Peer-Reviewed Articles (2019-present)
1. Li, N.#, Liu, S.#, Zhao, D.#, Du, H., Xi, Y., Wei, X., Liu, Q., Müller, U., Lu, Q.*, Xiong, W.*, Xu, Z.* (2024) Disruption of Cdh23 exon 68 splicing leads to progressive hearing loss in mouse through affecting tip-link stability. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 121, e2309656121.
2. Wang, X.#, Liu, S.#, Cheng, Q., Qu, C., Ren, R., Du, H., Li, N., Yan, K., Wang, Y., Xiong, W.*, and Xu, Z.* (2023) CIB2 and CIB3 Regulate Stereocilia Maintenance and Mechanoelectrical Transduction in Mouse Vestibular Hair Cells. J Neurosci 43, 3219-3231.
3. Liu, L.#, Zou, L.#, Li, K.#, Hou, H., Hu, Q., Liu, S., Li, J., Song, C., Chen, J., Wang, S., Wang, Y., Li, C., Du, H., Li, J. L., Chen, F., Xu, Z., Sun, W., Sun, Q., and Xiong, W.* (2022) Template-independent genome editing in the Pcdh15(av-3j) mouse, a model of human DFNB23 nonsyndromic deafness. Cell Rep 40, 111061.
4.Li, J.#, Liu, S.#, Song, C.#, Zhu, T., Zhao, Z., Sun, W., Wang, Y.*, Song, L.*, and Xiong, W.* (2022) Prestin-Mediated Frequency Selectivity Does not Cover Ultrahigh Frequencies in Mice. Neuroscience Bulletin 38, 17.
5. Yan, Y.#, Tian, M.#, Li, M., Zhou, G., Chen, Q., Xu, M., Hu, Y., Luo, W., Guo, X., Zhang, C., Xie, H., Wu, Q. F., Xiong, W.*, Liu, S.*, and Guan, J. S.* (2022) ASH1L haploinsufficiency results in autistic-like phenotypes in mice and links Eph receptor gene to autism spectrum disorder. Neuron 6273 (21) 01090-4.
6. Zhang, Y.#, Lin, G.#, Wang, Y.#*, Xue, N., Lin, X., Du, T.*, Xiong, W.*, and Song, L.* (2021) Prestin derived OHC surface area reduction underlies age-related rescaling of frequency place coding. Hearing Research 108406.
7. Song, C.#, Li, J.#, Liu, S., Hou, H., Zhu, T., Chen, J., Liu, L., Jia, Y., and Xiong, W. (2021) An L1 retrotransposon insertion induced deafness mouse model for studying the development and function of the cochlear stria vascularis. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 118 (40) e2107933118.
8. Li, J.#, Liu, S.#, Song, C.#, Hu, Q.#, Zhao, Z.#, Deng, T., Wang, Y., Zhu, T., Zou, L., Wang, S., Chen, J., Liu, L., Hou, H., Yuan, K., Zheng, H., Liu, Z., Chen, X., Sun, W., Xiao, B., and Xiong, W. (2021) PIEZO2 mediates ultrasonic hearing via cochlear outer hair cells in mice. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 118 (28) e2101207118.
9. Du, H.#, Zou, L.#, Ren, R., Li, N., Li, J., Wang, Y., Sun, J., Yang, J., Xiong, W.*, and Xu, Z.* (2020). Lack of PDZD7 long isoform disrupts ankle-link complex and causes hearing loss in mice. FASEB J 34, 1136-1149.
10. Wang, Y., Su, F., Wang, S., Yang, C., Tian, Y., Yuan, P., Liu, X., Xiong, W.*, and Zhang, C.* (2019) Efficient implementation of convolutional neural networks in the data processing of two-photon in vivo imaging. Bioinformatics 35, 3208-3210.
11. Liu, S.#, Wang, S.#, Zou, L.#, Li, J., Song, C., Chen, J., Hu, Q., Liu, L., Huang, P., and Xiong, W. (2019). TMC1 is an essential component of a leak channel that modulates tonotopy and excitability of auditory hair cells in mice. Elife 8, e47441.
Reviews and Book Chapters
1. Liu, S., Wang, S., Zou, L., and Xiong, W. (2021) Mechanisms in cochlear hair cell mechano-electrical transduction for acquisition of sound frequency and intensity. Cell Mol Life Sci 78, 5083-5094.
2. Xiong, W. and Xu, Z. (2018) Mechanotransduction of the Hair Cell. Springer Singapore